Termindor Certified
Termindor Certified
Are you about to purchase a new home for yourself & your family? Or are you a little suspect of some termite activity in your current home?
The media reports on the importance of termite inspections and termite control methods constantly. Major media stories have been run in Sydney regarding inadequate inspections for termites and other timber pests both in newly constructed & established buildings.
Even severe infestations can be difficult to detect for the unwary individual- you need to know what the tell-tale signs are, and more importantly, you need to act fast on getting rid of the termites & their associated colony PERMANENTLY. Even if you think you have a keen eye for suspect timber or moist sections of the structure that are prime real estate for subterranean termites, you should ask yourself, "am I 100% sure that this house is safe from termites?". It's a big call to make, and we wouldn't expect anyone other than trained & experienced professionals to make that call for the would-be home buyer or homeowner.
Our advice is simple- don't take the risk. If you suspect ANY termite activity whatsoever, then you need to call in the pros for an inspection. If you've got your heart set on purchasing a new home, be it an older structure or a modern one, and you want that peace of mind, then you should definitely call in a professional to give you that peace of mind. Take advantage of the experience the pest control professionals have gained after working for years in the field.
ASSASSIN PEST CONTROL has been working in the termite treatment industry for over a decade, and having been involved in chemical field trials for DuPont®; we have seen the latest in termite treatment technology. We have the utmost confidence in our ability to detect termite infestations and can conduct non-invasive termite inspections on existing constructions.
Put simply, the ideal timing for Australian residents is NOW. Why?
Once the warm weather quickly approaches us each year, the excitement for summer festivities starts to take hold. In Australia, we love the idea of a good feed in the great outdoors just at dusk. However, the appetising smell of the ever-reliable BBQ that we all love brings with it a rather annoying aspect in terms of insects. Contrary to what you may be thinking, I am not talking about flies or mosquitos, but TERMITES and the FLYING TERMITES that we all see as the night closes in.
These annoying FLYING TERMITES love the warm, humid nights as when there is moisture in the air, the TERMITE COLONY senses it. Being the moisture lovers that they are, this is the best time to fly from the nest and start an entirely new colony, and your home could just be the next timber food source for these airborne timber borers.
Now you may be asking, 'How do I protect my home from white ants?'
Don't despair- you can protect your most valuable asset in a number of ways, and Assassin Pest Control can advise you on the best TERMITE PROTECTION for your home. Whether it be a TERMIDOR TERMITE TREATMENT or a baiting program such as is available from Exterra, or whether it be a simple case of taking the necessary precaution of eliminating any excess moisture problems around the home, we can help you take the required steps in ensuring your home isn't attacked by these 'silent assassins'!
TERMIDOR is a non-repellent termiticide that has a life span of up to 8 years, and we continue to stand by this exceptional product which is our specialty. We have been using this in non-invasive treatments for many years, and its super low toxicity levels are ideal for family homes and certainly preferred by our technicians who handle the chemicals as part of their daily tasks on the job.
So how do you know if any kind of treatment is required? Talking to a professional is the safest way to be sure. At Assassin, we recommend TERMITE INSPECTIONS at intervals not exceeding 12 months between visits. Building inspections and TERMITE TREATMENTS are important in maintaining the structural integrity of your home.
For everyone, termites are the big focus, but termites are only 1 of the timber pests that cause damage to your property. The main timber pests that can damage a property are termites, borers and wood decay fungi.
A timber pest inspection is normally designed to look for signs of all three of these pests. A termite inspection normally only focuses on subterranean termites.
Do you need a termite inspection or a timber pest inspection?
It's always important to first assess the current condition of your property:
A full timber pest inspection and a timber pest report are the starting point to decide what is required for effective termite control, wood decay management and borer control.
If you are going to purchase a property, it is vital that you get a pre-purchase inspection (PPI) done. But make sure that you choose a company that:
All termite inspections and other timber pest inspections have limitations. Termites and borers do their very best to work and breed undetected. Inspections conducted are termed "non-destructive", which means we do not damage the property while performing the inspection.
Image courtesy of Termicam
An inspection will not see through walls – even with thermal imaging cameras. Recommendations and report findings are based on visual evidence found on the DAY of the inspection.
If you own the property and serious concern is raised, a more invasive inspection can be performed using bore scopes and other devices which will gain access to concealed voids – but invasive inspections are rarely performed in the case of a sale of a property since the vendor does not want their property damaged unnecessarily.
Looking for building inspection tips? A home inspection for termites is known in Sydney, Australia, as a building inspection and includes a pest report and a building report. It involves a thorough visual inspection of the subfloor, roof void interior, exterior, and other areas of the property. An average house takes anywhere from one to two hours to complete. Cost varies from $185 – $495 depending on the size of the house and access. This includes GST.
The report consists of eleven pages and digital photos upon request. Please remember a termite inspection report is designed to detect termites at an early stage so as to reduce the amount of damage to your house. It does not stop termites. It is strongly recommended a termite inspection report is carried out at least once every twelve months and every three to six months for high-risk areas.
Tired of dealing with so-called termite experts over and over again while the problem just seems to persist?
We make no secret of the fact that we don't want to make repeated visits to a job site because it costs us more time and money than if we eliminate the pest problem on the first visit.
More to the point, eliminating termites right away is in your best interest.
Recently we encountered active termites at a site that had paid a concrete slab levelling company to come and level a concrete floor due to subsidence. In doing so, they left the holes open, as shown in the picture here. These small gaps are all the termites need to gain access. We treated this after a previous pest company had been trying for 3 years to solve the problem without success. We solved the problem the first time around without a treatment program.
Torch with bright light. This is essential, and krypton bulbs give the best light for torches generally available today. LED torches, headlamps and flashlights are the next generation of inspection tools and should be used when they come onto the market.
A termite-sounding donger. A fibreglass rod with a small plastic ball at the end. It is designed to run along skirting boards, higher placed timbers and other exposed timbers. When it runs across termite-infested timber, the tone changes, indicating hollowed-out timber.
A Moisture Meter. It is designed to pick up high moisture content in walls and timbers. Termites bring up moisture from the soil and into the walls and timbers.
A Termatrac microwave tracking device. Termatrac is a breakthrough development in the building inspection detection of termites, invented and developed in Australia using technology similar to radar. Termatrac is the exciting answer to detecting termites through timber, plaster board, brick or masonry with no interference with the building material or termite activity. With no drilling, tapping or prodding, Termatrac is the answer to termite detection without termite defection! With Termatrac, the pest professional enjoys the advantage of accurate detection and customer peace of mind.
Binoculars. They are used to look at roof lines in building inspections to see if there is any subsidence. That would be an indicator that termites have infested the roof.
Stanley Knife & Tape. If termite-infested timber is located, we may cut it with a Stanley knife and expose the interior of the timber identifying the species of termites, then seal it back up with tape so as not to disturb the termites.
Listening Device. This listens to sounds in the internal of the walls. However, if you tap the wall with your hand and put your ear up to the wall, you can hear the soldier termites rubbing the mandibles together.
The purpose of this building inspection is to give you the tools you need to select and maintain the right home for you. We think you'll agree that the right home for you is affordable, comfortable and within your means to maintain for as long as you choose to live in it.
This building inspection offers insights that will help you make an informed decision in your choice of a home. Affording a home involves more than having enough money to cover the down payment, closing costs and monthly mortgage obligations.
Maintaining the overall condition of the home while you live in it and the repairs or preventive measures needed to do so can be just as costly.
This kit will explain how to conduct your own home inspection with an easy-to-use, step-by-step approach. Once you've evaluated your results, you'll be better equipped to make a wise decision, whether it's -
"Yes, I like this home; it suits the needs of my family, and I can afford to buy and maintain it."
Or "No, I cannot realistically afford to buy and maintain this home; the termite risk is too great."
Either way, it pays to know what you're up against before you make an offer to purchase. The professional inspector gives you an objective and comprehensive report before closing. In addition, you may want to have the home tested for possible environmental hazards which are not usually visible, including lead in the water, lead in paint, asbestos, and other toxic materials.
Make sure you can afford to buy your home and maintain it. You need to make an educated decision in your own best interest and learn what's ahead of you now rather than down the track, ESPECIALLY if the house is endangered by termites, borers or wood decay.
Termites have a 200 million-year evolutionary history closely related to cockroaches. They can be found right throughout Sydney. Knowledge of their biology is crucial for building and home inspections.
Termites forage for food over a large area (approximately 100 metres) in search of timber and operate and live in a central nest or colony. The worker termites partially digest the timber before returning to the nest to feed the colony. This can cause considerable damage to our homes and bank accounts, as many Sydneysiders will attest, and can happen in a matter of months. Termites are social insects, and there are multiple castes within the colony.
Termite Treatment after a Building Inspection has found Termites. A residual three-step treatment around all structures coming up out of the ground of a building.
We recently had a referral from a happy customer & did a Termite Inspection on a property in the Hills District. Now nothing unusual about doing a Termite Inspection except that the building in question was of full brick construction on a concrete slab. Again, what makes this property any different to the rest….allow me to explain.
Imagine a 3 story property with brick walls external and internal with no timber frames anywhere, with each of the 3 flooring levels being built from concrete. Now this being said even the staircases were built from concrete, the comment by the home owner still rings in my ear:
"You won't find any Termites here" he said with some confidence. I said to him:
"We have heard that comment plenty of times".
I'm not sure if it would have occurred to him at that point but more often than not when we do hear that comment from property owners, unfortunately for them we're soon to to reply ourselves with the dreaded "T" word….
"Termites. They're up here." I said to him.
"Where!?" he replies in disbelief.
"In the skirting boards and under the carpet in the carpet grippers on the 3rd floor."
Anyway, after further investigation it became apparent that copper water pipe inside the wall cavity on the external walls had broken and water was constantly running down the wall from the 3rd level and the termites followed the moisture content from ground floor to the 3rd floor. The homeowner then replies: "That explains my recently high water bill and usage."
The termites had only done superficial damage as no structural parts of the building were constructed from timber; nether the less still distressing for the homeowner and an episode they will never want to experience again.
This goes to show even a property that is built from brick and concrete is not safe from termite attack, and that regular inspections are important.
So with the home owner in panic mode, we suggest a
Termidor Termite Treatment to the property. Quickly we deploy the treatment and along with a few building design faults, rectified- happy days ahead for the now relieved home owner.
Consider it a form of ecological karma.
It is quite easy to think of an individual's actions as an independent event — something that has no bearing on another person or creature miles away. But the truth is, the Earth is one big ecological system. It is quite easy too to think of climate change, global warming and other environmental issues as a minor inconvenience over which an average individual has little control.
Now consider the termite — a little creature that can wreak havoc inversely proportional to its minuscule size. Annually, these insects cause millions of dollars worth of damage and cause financial woes related to home repairs, termite inspections and pest controls. Sydney residents may think that they are immune to this problem, but the truth is they are not.
What's worse is that despite the amount of money homeowners spend not only to get rid of these pests but also to safeguard their homes, the problem only seems to worsen as years go by. Many experts foresee the problem growing worse as areas that are considered habitats for these creatures (like forests) are diminishing due both to increased consumer demand and the encroachment of these areas for property development.
With the loss of their habitat, there is no other recourse for these insects but to seek food and habitat in areas where humans live, which in turn fosters the cycle of infestation and pest control. Certainly, more areas must be developed to accommodate the country's growing population. But in order to minimise the threat of termite infestations, both authorities and property developers should consider this issue.
Environmental issues should also be considered when responding to the problem of termite infestation. Pest control companies employ a variety of tactics and use a variety of products to target termites. However, such products can have an impact not only on the health of a home's occupants but, more importantly, on the environment. This is where Termidor Termite Treatment is superior to other types of treatment. Using Fipronil as an active ingredient, Termidor is an effective solution to termite infestations that does not cause unnecessary environmental harm. In fact, the active ingredient is also used in agricultural products as well as in flea and tick control for household pets.
Unlike other products, professionals only need to apply a small amount of the product for maximum efficacy. Common termiticides have been rated as Schedule 6 poisons. Termidor, on the other hand, is not, according to the criteria set by WorkSafe Australia.
When building your new home, be sure to consult a pest management expert in the early stages of construction. A house that is a low risk of termite attack on-site may be a high risk on another. Any trees on the property should be investigated for termite activity before any earth works or tree removal. If these trees are felled and buried in fill, it can be impossible to locate and treat if activity arises. All trees to be removed should be entirely removed from the property roots and all.
Termites do not kill trees – Termites can assist in the growth of a tree as they return the nutrients and protein from the timbers that they attack in the soil and houses back to the nest within the trunk of the tree, therefore, providing the tree with all the nutrients, protein and moisture the tree needs to maintain good health.
Be sure a termite barrier treatment is carried out during construction prior to the concrete slab being laid. This treatment alone will not give adequate protection against termite attacks. Upon completion of construction, a barrier must be placed around the external perimeter of the house. A house built with suspended timber flooring should have a good supply of air circulating below; this will reduce moisture build-up, wood decay and fungal growth.
When buying a house, it is important to ask questions. Try to find out as much as possible about the history of the house.
Talk to neighbours to see if any other houses in the street have had termites. This information can be extremely useful in determining the future termite risk.
Before buying a house, have it checked by a licensed pest management specialist. Do not be turned away from a house because it has had termites. If it has been properly treated, the chance of reinfestation is very small and remember, the house down the road that has never had termites is the one that could have them next month.
It is important not to try to treat them yourself as they may retreat to another area of the house, making treatment more difficult. If specimens can be collected, this will help in the proper identification, which is important in determining the correct treatment procedures.
When treating for termites, the main goal is to try and locate and destroy the nest. This can be done by the application of Premise Foam or Arsenic Dust introduced into the damaged timbers. If the termites are disturbed, this opportunity may be lost, resulting in further termite damage and more costly treatment.
Australia's #1 termite defence
With over 100,000 homes treated since 2000. There isn't a more highly rated product.
Transfer Effect
Kills by ingestion, contact, and the "Transfer Effect," meaning affected insects help spread Termidor throughout the colony before dying themselves.
Faster than bait
Manages colonies up to 6 times faster than bait systems.
The most effective termiticide
Over 10 years of test data prove the most effective and fastest at eliminating termite populations.
Doesn't smell
Responsible, low-dose treatment, with no odour.
Professionals only
Only trained termite professionals can apply the product.
If you would like to know more about our termite services, why not call for a Free Quote!
Termindor Certified
Australian standards compliant
Fully licensed & insured